Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I'm Not Famous Yet

I'm stealing this idea from another blogger who did it a while back, but I thought it was an interesting experiment. So many people have real substance or insight to their writings, whereas my rambling are ... well, the inanity makes me giggle, so that's why I jot it all down. So, it's interesting to see how people accidentally fall into this backwoods mire of the blogoshpere (cue up the Dueling Banjos).

"illusion teatime" - HEY! I'm Google's first hit! *wipes a tear* I realize now that it's because I botched up the Douglas Adams quote. Hooray for me.

"portuganlish" - I'm the only Google hit. Isn't there some sort of contest along those lines? I win! Someone give me a handful of jellybeans.

"sloppy jimbo" - It's weird that I come in above any Simpsons references. Weirder still is the first hit; urbandictionary.com. Quoth the definition: 'The act in which u give a handjob with sloppy joe mix as a lube. As in: Dude Sally gave me a sloppy jimbo lastnight.' (sic) End quote. Words fail me.

"tapping the fishbowl" - probably not what the poor guy was expecting.

And many others that are more or less too boring to mention.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol! I can relate. I was sputtering along trying to say something and "dobweed" came out. Now I am #1 in google's results for "dobweed." Go me.

I wrote about this on my blog: http://tinyurl.com/6sxwd3

What are some of your others, even if they are boring?