Sunday, December 16, 2007

Girl Shopping

I am freaked out by little girls' clothes. They are all frilly. They all say something dumb. It's a shirt, not a get well card. "Little Diva." "Crib Queen." "Someday My Prince Will Come." Blech.

Claude Shannon tells us that given a statistical spread of possible messages, the most information is transferred when the message is least expected. (I googled around forever trying to find a concise quote, but you'll just have to deal with my paraphrasing.)

Therefore, if it absolutely must say something, I want my little girl to wear a shirt that says something totally whacked out. Where do I find those?


Browsing around with the wife. You can only wander so far before you get out of the infant girls' stuff and into the older girls' stuff. She holds up a teeny blue bra thing that someday my daughter could be wearing. Creepy.

"This is the size I was wearing when we met," she says. Had there been a window nearby I would have screamed and leapt out. Seriously? How? In the dozen years I've known you, we progressed from that to the water balloon launchers laying about my bedroom?

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