Sunday, June 3, 2007

Me And My Arrow, Episode III

Doctor: "Ok, so we're going to bring you guys in next week for an IUI."
Me: "Ok."
Doctor: "So, you'll be ready for everything? Hormones, late-night cravings, early-morning barfing..."
"Sleepless nights, diapers, constant feeding, crying, spit-up"
"No prob."
"Terrible-twos, followed by more terrible-threes"
"Uh-huh. Yeah yeah, sure, I'm ready to do it all again. I'm pumped, let's do it!"
"Good. Now, you'll want to abstain until your next appointment."
"Errrm....I'm afraid that's not going to work for me."
"Well you'll want to save up so you have a nice, healthy...."
"I'll make more. It's what I do. This whole engineering thing is just an aside. Really? A week? Like...a week?"

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