Saturday, January 6, 2007

Band of ... well, Just Me

Everyone knows that the History Channel loves to play "Band of Brothers." I myself watched about an hour's worth just today.

If there are any other husbands out there like me, they also know that they don't play it nearly enough. Why do I say this?

Because it's such an awesome movie?
Because I'm a history buff?
Because I love the action, adventure, drama, etc?
Because I want to watch it over and over again?
Ha. I wish.

Because every time I start to get into it, this-or-that needs to be done, or we have to go to such-and-such, or help with so-and-so.

And so, I never get to see more than a little bit at a time, like today. But today, I heard a new one. "Haven't you seen this movie like a million times?"

No. I've just seen a million little pieces of it, in no particular order. Someday....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.